Thursday, November 29, 2018

I think Magic Leap got tired of getting punched in the nuts. All of a sudden they are like - come see our stuff.


  1. *cough* SecondLife for the late 2010s *cough* ...

    BTW, how does a startup get enough cash to bankroll a medium-sized mining company for a decade or so?

  2. LOL. I don't think I've actually seen that all the way through. Maybe I will watch it over Christmas with a side of Brazil. I do still like ol' timey sci-fi. It's the new stuff that I kinda don't like. It's not imaginative at all.

  3. Yeah. It's super annoying. If I wanted to be guilted all the time I'd just believe in God.

    We also went through a period where real life was more sci-fi than sci-fi. I think it's why Bladerunner 2 was a flop. They catered to the fans and the story, rather than the futuristic atmosphere. I think that's why it took Bladerunner 1 a while to get popular, but all that amazing imagery helped. Bladerunner 2 had none of that.
