Saturday, May 18, 2024

Thursday, May 16, 2024

At least we have this completely useless technology.

The problem with the Democrats is - they just don't want you to have the electricity to power this kind of thing. Right? But the Republicans are worse because... I'm not saying they are afraid of technology, buuuut - they act like they are afraid of technology.

The minute anything comes out to try and help people, the conspiracy party jumps in and screams "it's gonna take our joooobs", South Park style. They literally turn into monkeys throwing rocks at fire. Then they try to burn it down. I swear - if tractors were just coming out today, Republicans would scream about them taking jobs and try to ban them.

I imagine the reason we are stuck perpetually at 4K, is because we don't have the bandwidth, and conspiracy NUTS keep trying to make it impossible to get 5g. Meanwhile buildings in China are basically giant monitors. 

We used to be the envy of the world. Now we are filled with people with smooth brains from soft lives. Both parties are suffocating our economy. But the Republicans are slightly worse because they are trying to make things awful so Trump can come in and save it.

We have some very serious problems and both are just doing identity politics. A pox on all your houses.

Monday, May 13, 2024

I don't know who needs to hear this....

Said in the most sarcastic way. But the Fed no longer has control over interest rates. Japan and China do.

I got inflation wrong because I could have never dreamed people wouldn't give a fuck about others dying or becoming disabled. (i.e. Taking people out of the workforce which causes inflation to rise) Or that people would spend every dime the government printed on houses and luxuries during one of the most significant health emergencies of our time. 

You don't have to like everyone on Earth, but they ALL serve a purpose. And because a large potion of the population thought they were expendable, now you will pay financially. Nothing in life is free.

I've got news for you. Rich people don't give a shit that you can't see the bigger picture. I'm not even rich, but was saving for land before the pandemic. Even I laugh every time interest rates go up. I think - lets see how high they can go. Everybody thought, oh this "cold shit doesn't affect me, so I don't care." 

Well...samesies about the intense financial pain you are in. I guess you should have thought about that.

Now you are gonna realize how utterly self owned you are. And you have no one but yourself to blame. At least the rage farmers made a ton of money off you. They still get to live in their mansions.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Never forget who ~really~ bullied you into the vaccine.

Then taunted, and mocked people after they did. It was the Republicans. You can see an example here in the comments. This is one of my long time readers saying that he hopes I die from the clot shot.

The Democrats were no better, but really they only did what the Republicans already wanted. Biden did force people into the shot in September of 2021, but the Republicans were already in bully mode with the shit above. You see Scott and MANY other Republicans posting this in Sept of 2021. They said it was okay for us non vaxed people to get shut out of society! They said I shouldn't even be allowed health care.

People like him were calling me a liar when I said in March of 2020 that people were already getting reinfected. They called me a cult member when I said herd immunity was a lie. Picture here as I know most people do not click through.
First they called me an anti vaxer. Then a pro vaxer. And then a "covidian". 
They said I was lying when I said a knew people that has wound up in the hospital from the vax. 

I had a regular here, who fought with me for the longest time, about the birth control pill having a higher chance of giving you a clot than the vaccine. She wouldn't listen to anything!  They said it's only going to take out the old dead wood, so we don't care who dies.

You know what makes me maddest about the Republicans? I feel like if I had gone to a Trump rally masked, they would have harassed the SHIT OUT OF ME. Just like the Democrats did in San Jose at Trumps rally that ~I~ attended!

After I had to go completely underground in California due to the Democrats harassing Trump supporters at the time, my own party goes NUTS! And this is why I am on the warpath.

I genuinely don't know how much common sense it takes to know you shouldn't get ANYTHING three times a year. Do astronauts coming back from the space station after 300+ days have immunity debt?

No. No they do not!

All I know is that I did a pretty amazing job of figuring things out. Despite being piled on and not really understanding what was going on at the time. But I read countless things I didn't understand until I started to understand them. And I'm here to say y'all fucked yourselves and all of us. They don't keep no big deal viruses in labs.

I'VE GOT ALL THE RECEIPTS. And lastly..... everyone knows we can hear at least half of the population coughing. Right?


I was going to warn people another wave is on the way..but I just got back from McDonalds and EVERYONE working there was masked. So it must be already here. I haven't seen that in at least a year.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Tesla is a JOKE.

This is NOT capitalism. Yet, Elon could burn every single one of these cars, and it wouldn't make any difference because he has taken the long con. Carbon credits. Of which he has already made almost 2 BILLION dollars on this year. Here and here.

The parking deck at this mall in Pleasanton has been full of his cars in for almost an entire year. I started talking about it here. It has been there SO long I stopped even taking pictures of it until I rolled up and noticed he started consuming the visible parts of the mall.

Also... I would like to say a big fuck you to all the Republicans who think he is a god. You guys are retards.

I made sure to get pictures from the back so you could see none of them have plates.