Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Tesla is a JOKE.

This is NOT capitalism. Yet, Elon could burn every single one of these cars, and it wouldn't make any difference because he has taken the long con. Carbon credits. Of which he has already made almost 2 BILLION dollars on this year. Here and here.

The parking deck at this mall in Pleasanton has been full of his cars in for almost an entire year. I started talking about it here. It has been there SO long I stopped even taking pictures of it until I rolled up and noticed he started consuming the visible parts of the mall.

Also... I would like to say a big fuck you to all the Republicans who think he is a god. You guys are retards.

I made sure to get pictures from the back so you could see none of them have plates.


  1. Zero Hedge FINALLY ran a story saying what you've been saying forever about this Tesla thing! I thought of you immediately! :-)

  2. That is genuinely the kindest comment. I feel like I've been screaming into a 145 knot winds for the past four years.

    Which article? I want to read what he says.

    1. Right here!

  3. Thank you Baby. To be fair... it's not just him right now. I've started to see some pretty large ghost lots pop up of all flavor. Just ran across one today.

    He is just a bigger irritant to me because he is a crony capitalist on steroids.
