Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Buyers regrets.

More later.


  1. LMAO - You should grow your own crops too, so that you can get entirely off of the grid. I bet you either go through a qtr of it and switch to heater b/c its a PITA or go through it all in the first three weeks of winter.

  2. Haha. You can't go off the grid with firewood. At best it heats one room. Which is why when people used to have to depend on a fireplace - they for the most part had one room houses.

    My heater went out a few winters ago, and we had to run the fireplace for two days before we got a repairman in, and it barely was able to keep up. Especially in the middle of the night.

    But,the way our place is set up, the living room is the coldest room in the house. Since one of the heater sensors is in there - the heater just runs and runs in the winter. Making all the other rooms are way too hot. So, it's pretty much just a supplement. Plus, I don't feel like paying for one of those systems that evens out heating distribution. They are spendy.

    See - I'm not that abnormal. ;)

    Although I did have a small garden this year. :? My tomatoes got some weird blight. But that isn't a survivalist thing. Store boughts just have no flavor.

  3. My back hurts just looking at that pile.

    Does it smell good though? Last fall my neighbor got a wood drop that smelled really funky.

  4. Actually, what you say about firewood not being able to heat a house isn't right. Keyser's ex-in-laws live in New Brunswick, where they get honest-to-God, Canadian-style, -30º winters, and they heat a moderate-sized modern house mostly on wood (using electrical heaters along the floors only on the coldest days). Of course, you have to have a special modern wood-burning furnace and proper insulation, but wood burning is practical (though the smoke no doubt prohibits wide-spread use of such a system).

  5. Na. Not funky - but they did manage to dump a wheelbarrow full of fine dust. I think it's all in my sinus's now.

    Keyser - aw. Okay. I guess I should clarify I've never lived in a house where a fireplace has been able to heat a whole house. Even small ones. The bedrooms where always too cold. Which would probably make you laugh and cry at the same time. It doesn't get anywhere near -30 here.

  6. Well, that's it, isn't it? In places where it doesn't normally get that cold, the houses aren't built right for the few times when it does. Used to be that it was freezing in English houses in the winter because they pretended that they don't have them (winters, that is). But if you do have to insulate the place properly because of the bitter cold and you also have an efficient furnace (rather than a drafty fireplace that loses most of the heat), then you can use wood. No doubt that's not the case in your area!
