Monday, January 23, 2023

This post brought to you by Scott Adams.

Over the weekend I turned to Mr S. and said - I'm starting to see a real, down low, undercurrent of anger.

He sort of looks at me and chuckles.

I continue - People are really starting to freak out about what they put in their bodies with that shot. 

(Before people read further - I feel I just need to add for the millionth time that I am not anti vax. I simply had heart stuff in my family. I watched my grandfather have a heart attack at the kitchen table and die when I was seven. I have also had Bells Palsey on one side of my face. It's important you know this. You will find out why soon.)

We talked a bit more and then he says - Even Scott Adams switched.

I'm like - what?

He says - Yeah, now Scott Adams is anti-vax.

This is where my world turned red. I say - THAT GUY! He said I shouldn't even be allowed to have medical care because I was not vaccinated! That I couldn't go into a public place. Or be able to hold a job. That side felt it was pretty much okay to hold you down and forcibly inject you!

Saying now, that the people who didn't take the shot won, IS SIMPLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH! FUCK Scott Adams.

He was literally on every side of the issue. Now anti-vax. For clicks! I hear he might commit suicide. 

Look, whatever he has going on is probably terrible. I'm sure he thought all those crappy things the shot and the virus do would only happen to people he didn't like. Not himself. I mean, he seemed to think that I should be forced into a shot even though I had some very serious and VALID fears due to my family history. But... he didn't give a fuck at the time.

And everyone else better switch their chairs because the MOB is waking up, and they are going to realize that everyone failed to protect them for CLICKS!


  1. If memory serves me correctly, Mr. Adams was divorced within the last year from a woman that appears 20-30 years his junior. This may have also contributed to his present state of mind. I was unaware of his prior comments regarding the people that did not want to receive the vax. Nonetheless, sad to hear he has expressed thoughts of suicide.

  2. If memory serves me correctly, Mr. Adams was divorced within the last year from a woman that appears 20-30 years his junior. This may have also contributed to his present state of mind. I was unaware of his prior comments regarding the people that did not want to receive the vax. Nonetheless, sad to hear he has expressed thoughts of suicide.


    In March of last year he was in the full vaccine mandate camp. Which explicitly stated that if you weren't vaxxed you couldn't even get medical care until you were. I don't even follow this guy, but last summer my feed starting filling up from his spillover. All of his people were pissed about his vaccine stance, so I went over and read a while - and I was like - yeah.. this guy is a dick.

    Now he says that people who "got it right" on COVID "were lucky" and just flipping a coin. Which is emphatically WRONG.

    In March of 2020 I started telling people that even if you took the vaccine you would still get reinfected because the virus mutates too quick.
    For this I was called a fear monger and cultist for two solid years and basically bullied to stop talking. . They bogged you down in research they were never going to listen to anyway, and just exhausted the fuck out of people who were trying to warn. I almost quit blogging due to these people. Scott Adams was part "you are just afraid pussy" mob.


    "I can assure you - this virus is hell on earth. 20% of people will need serious medical intervention. And it feels like you are drowning. Not only that - people who recover become reinfected. In China they said 14% of cured patients came up with the disease again. This thing sort of shape shifts."

    I have ZERO sympathy for this guy and others like him. They deserve what they get because they misled others for clicks and clout who are probably having the same sorts of health problems. I feel sad for them. I know a girl that had a stroke after Covid and her whole life is completely changed!

    People with HUGE platforms decided to play politics instead of protecting people. He can suck a bag of dicks. It wasn't that hard to see what was happening, you just had to look. It was more expedient to look down on others instead of helping them. AND! The moral of the story is that if you give people terrible advice and ruin others lives, as long as you say you are going to commit suicide at the end, people will feel bad for you and not the people who took your advice.
