Thursday, April 22, 2021

Sometimes you get just one shot.

Mr S. and I noticed this car because it's been long time since we'd seen one. We were trying to figure out the year. I thought it was a 70's model. Mr S. thought it was an 80's model.

As we passed him in the slow lane I noticed his steering wheel. But since my desire to stalk someone (on the freeway) for a shot of the INTERIOR of their car was super low, I said to Mr S. - if I see that car again I'm going to get that steering wheel. I thought he was getting off the freeway because he was in the slow lane.

We get off at the next exit, and he's behind us. Luckily at the light, we both get stopped in this configuration and I yell - love your steering wheel! He pulls it off. I get one shot and now you know that heart steering wheels are a thing. 

The car was a 1985ish Nissan 200 if you were wondering.

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