Monday, October 15, 2018

California is such a clown show.

Last night it started coming through my twitter feed that parts of Northern California were preemptively shutting off power because it was going to be windy. You know we just had all those fires. And instead of making their infrastructure able to withstand wind - they are just turning off the power. No foolies.

Last night I said self - lets see how that goes because I would be fighting mad. It's one thing to go through a crazy storm, but quite another to go through that storm without power. Plus, you lose everything in your refrigerator.

I didn't think they would actually do it, but apparently they have. There is no school today in Yuba counties. And here.  For real! I guess right now 42 THOUSAND people do not have power due to WIND.

Every time they try to push electric cars I just laugh because power is NEVER guaranteed in California. Usually you have a couple of blackouts a year. But now I guess we are just going back to the dark ages because these people are idiots.


  1. Capital of Texas Refugee from a "B" MovieMonday, October 15, 2018 11:16:00 AM

    "But now I guess we are just going back to the dark ages because these people are idiots ..."

    Nah, I figure things will get so bad in post-America California that the voters will happily elect a fascist because he'll keep the lights on.


    This guy's going to make Ronnie Ray-Gun look like the kindly old man he liked to pretend to be, rather than the bozo who said something like, "We can have more Kent States right here in California."

    But there is no doubt about it: you are living in a "B" Movie.

    California elected Arnold Schwarzenegger, but California really wanted John Wayne ...

  2. I think it's cute you think we are even good enough to be a B movie. We are like that cute girl in a horror film that keeps falling down.

  3. Yeah. I was wondering if you would pop up today. You are about right in the fun zone.

    You are preaching to the choir. These people are just nuts. They act like cutting trees is like killing puppies. However, Grinding commerce to zero is not okay. I pretty much keep gallon jugs in the freezer just incase. I think I've had a refrigerator taken out twice. That can really add up.
