Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Good news everyone!

Oracle faces ouster from Oregon Obamacare website.

" Oregon's crippled Obamacare exchange, which has been unable to enroll any people electronically online as designed, is making moves that could mean the ouster of primary vendor Oracle from future work on the marketplace. "

I have to admit - I have been reserving judgement on the Obamacare website because Oracle was a huge wildcard. If you know anything about programming you know the deeper shit code gets stuck into a program, the harder it is to patch problems. However.....Oracle was spawned from the government. So, they are pretty scrappy.

From Wikipedia.

"During the 1970s, after a brief stint at Amdahl Corporation, Ellison began working for Ampex Corporation. His projects included a database for the CIA, which he named "Oracle". "

If Oracle can't fix this - NO ONE CAN.

I assumed this would be the case since California has had a few really high profile failures when it comes to databases. We spent 2 billion bucks on software that was suppose to manage ONLY the court system. It took them 11 years to admit defeat and scrapped the whole thing. Here.

Also read about the Unemployment Department and their software problems. I haven't been following it that closely, but late last year a lot of people were not getting their unemployment checks due to the problems. Three hundred thousand people. So, you can see - it isn't a minor problem. Here.

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