Friday, April 06, 2012

I don't know why the CHP doesn't have an app for that.

You guys know Mr S. and are are atheists. Right? We don't keep up on all the religious-ey rules. This explains what happened today.

Mr S. thought he had a three day weekend. He checked his holiday calendar. It said it was a holiday. So, we decided to go to Oakland to have breakfast at Lois the Pie Queen.

I never understood the whole chicken and waffles thing. I eat some really crappy stuff. But chicken and waffles is a breakfast thing. They serve it with eggs and grits after all. I used to think - who eats that for breakfast?! Then I saw someone else order it, and it looked delicious. Now I am really hooked. But I am digressing.

We left this morning (11:00). I saw company parking lots full. Mr S. are you sure you get the day off? Yeah, I checked the database - he says. Caltrans was ripping up the roads. When did the government start working on holidays - I thought. Traffic on the way up was super light. Mr S. even remarked that traffic was so light, that if it were a week day - it would freak him out.

Well, it turns out that it's a holiday for everyone in the company - except those in the US. Doh!

On the way back from breakfast though. There was a traffic backup. We found out from our phones a bus had caught fire.

This is actually the second vehicle fire I've seen this month. The other was on the San Mateo Bridge. And you are just stuck. It made me think, if they just told you what lane was affected - you could start merging well ahead of time. The system now, you have to wait until you see the accident to figure it out.

This is where I find out it is a prison bus. Which isn't that interesting, but I'm in a dry patch.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Mr. S. didn't get in too much trouble for "celebrating" the holiday with his European compatriots...!! :D Good Friday is a big deal over there -- in Germany Easter is a four-day weekend because "Ostermontag" is a holiday too. Probably because everyone has a food hangover from Easter Sunday.

    Kind of reminded me of the Cesar Chavez "holiday" last week. Moonbat City U campus was deserted, but us poor schmucks with a national employer still had to come to work.
