Sunday, February 06, 2022

Lilly Valley.

Today is the third birthday I've had in the pandemic. Sigh. At least the beach is finally back to normal crowd wise. So I'm making up for lost time.

This is the first place I've turned up to, that was an instagram thirst trap. People were down in the creek in dresses and full makeup. There were tons of obvious instagram girls taking selfies. It was kinda weird.

And these things are giant. Almost as tall as I am, and the flowers were the size of a child's head.


  1. That first picture was great, it grabbed me.

  2. Thanks. This year I decided I'm going to visit every town in California. Eventually. I didn't even know this beach existed.

  3. I never considered lilies might grow naturally. Interesting and pretty, thank you. And, Happy Birthday!

  4. Thank you Baby.

    When I read about the beach I thought they were much smaller. I guess I didn't know they grew to be human size.
