Wednesday, February 09, 2022


Today I ran across this Ryder branded truck with Lidar pucks. I only got three shots (which is more than Eminem says you get). I could either get the pucks, or the logo. I chose pucks.


  1. Eyes like a hawk! I'd never have noticed it...

  2. That is a real thing with me. Mr S. calls me tape measure eyes because I judge distance and measurments really well.

  3. You got the correct identifier, I had not heard of them.

  4. It just occurred to me, why are those guys dragging around a box with someone else's logo on it? They need marketing help.

  5. Oh.... look at you looking that up. I didn't bother, but glad you did. It didn't occur to me that rig was interchangeable. I just thought the cab and the rig came together. Huh... interesting.

    Also now that I can see the rig more clearly, it looks like they might have a second Lidar in the middle. Pucks on the end, but solid state Lidar in the middle. Maybe Aeye or one of those guys.

    I thought hauling around a Ryder box ~was~ the marketing. They have to be one of the largest truck rentals in America. Thats the part that caught my eye. I still would have taken pictures if it wasn't branded, but I thought it was interesting that it did have branding.
