Wednesday, March 21, 2018

And she finally pops up.

Normally taxes take me a month of Sundays, but I owe this year and Mr S. and I decided to to accelerate the grieving process  So far I've sailed through shock and bargaining and I'm half way through acceptance.

So.... kinda nothing has been funny or interesting or cool. It's been nothing but taxes for the last week. And I know that is not a satisfying reason for me falling off the planet, but I debated on whether I should just be one of those bloggers that disappears and then pops up like nothing happened. But I'm guessing my long time readers are sort of used to this.  Once or twice a year the blog comes to a halt and we all get to guess if I'm ever coming back.

Blogging can be a real grind sometimes. Every day you wake up trying to find something interesting to blog about, and some days it's just not there. Sometimes that turns into a week.


  1. Capital of Texas RefugeeThursday, March 22, 2018 1:30:00 AM

    "But if you have money coming back in a refund, you gave the government an interest-free loan? Where's your tax planning?"

    "But if you have to make a payment, you've done something wrong! Where's your tax planning?"

    The intersect of these two ridiculous universes is a zero dollar, zero cent non-refund where back in January 2017 I managed to make a string of unbelievably good guesses through the end of the year.

    Naturally, this intersect is occupied by a small black hole within which tax preparers are inevitably squished like bugs. :-)

  2. Well... I planned to have to pay this year - so does that count? I just wasn't sure what the number would be.
