Friday, February 10, 2023

I thought I'd gotten most of my anger out.

Then ZeroHedge popped up with this article. A Zombie Apocalypse Of Morons… Where he says -

"It would seem there is an epidemic of crooks posing as researchers bloggers. I don’t know where they find these people but they ought to be put up against a wall for facilitating crimes against humanity. "

Indeed. I fixed his article for him. I can't wait till we get to the sheer anger over the people who pushed herd immunity for clicks and Wall Street. That's where the pitchforks really are. They are coming for you next ZERO HEDGE.  And Scott Adams, and FOxNews. They were the primary drivers of "othering" people. "It's okay if that person dies because of XYZ.

I mean, I'm a conservative and feel like they just didn't have any ideas, so they said let's make them fight. When the truth finally comes out, I think this will be as big as the holocaust. It's the saddest thing. Most people didn't care about all those dead bodies - but SOMEONE did, and there are tons of those "someones" now.

He goes on to link that article where they blame the unvaccinated for not warning everyone else. And then makes it seem like the site turned off comments because they didn't want to know the truth. When in actuality, there are so many comments saying that that we tried to tell people and were mocked, shuned, lost friends, called nuts and mentally ill. Said we were in a cult, lost jobs or nearly so in my house, that the post probably just couldn't accommodate any more. I know it seems crazy impossible....but I'm telling you. I looked at the scroll bar for that post and was like .....uuuh.

One of the best comments was short and sweet. "you laughed at us, but I guess you are not laughing now". Those are the comments he thinks you should just pass over.  He knows most people don't really read his links. Most people don't click through. Its a fact.

NBC news is now telling people the truth. I wanna say "better late than never". But four years too late is a terrible price in this case. I'm not so crazy about the vaccine part, as there are tons of people who think they have side effects from the vaccine. Just plug in Covid and LUNG into twitter. You will find that day after day people fill it up with the side effects they are experiencing from the jab AND COVID.

I'm really sad about the world. But the anger over how we were treated just trying to warn people is stronger. All I can say is... I'm not built for this kind of death. I always find joy when the age of the oldest person in the world comes out. These days it's around 114. But the eugenicists among us felt those old people shouldn't exist. I'm scarred over the past three years. Super scarred.

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