Saturday, September 26, 2020

Begin Halloween crawl.

I guess we are starting early this year. But, I also feel like the fires robbed me of a quarter of summer so it's nice people are starting early. 

It was just insufferably smokey for a solid month. You didn't want to go outside unless you had to. A few days ago was the first day the sky was an actual color of blue.


  1. I'm waiting for the mannequin done all Stepford-esque with a name tag that says "HELLO my name is KAREN" ...

    That should scare anyone who's been paying attention.

    Are you going to do Meat Glue Pumpkins this year FOR SCIENCE? :-)

  2. It's not a bad concept actually.

    I figured I would take the year off since the only thing acceptable to hand out is alcohol swabs and N95 masks. It's a lot of pressure coming up with a fresh concept every year.

  3. I'm pretty impressed with the sculpts on these faces. They're not usually this good.

    Thanks :)

    Also, on another note. I'm glad you're all okay.
