Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Why are we taking COVID advice from banks?

The Jump In New Covid Cases Is "Completely Explained" By a Surge In Testing" BofA.

"You wouldn't know it reading the mainstream press, but in the past two months there has been a remarkable improvement in the covid pandemic in the US. Here are just two quick observations from the latest daily note by BofA's Hans Mikkelsen. 

With the number of people in the US hospitalized with Covid-19 down 52% in 59 days since the recent peak on July 23rd, the count is now nearly back local lows from mid-June." 

I've been noticing it for weeks and it's creeping me out. I don' t really care who lives or dies at this point. I'm just thankful that if you aren't a dummy, you can stay well. 

I mean, I don't know what a charmed life people lead that wearing a mask is the worst part of their day. I don't really care what people do. People are free to do stupid things. Which is pretty much all America is about these days.

I am sort of frustrated that people acting out are going to keep us locked up forever... but.... that's America where the minority rules the majority.

Goldman Spots An Ominous Turning Point In The US Coronavirus Pandemic. From 7/10/2020

What Economists Can Teach Epidemiologists. From 7/12/2020 


  1. If this were a movie, it'd be Revenge of the Quants.

    The Quants right now want to think they're so sexy and that they can get the football guy's girl with their amazing Gamma Male insights.

    Meanwhile, the people with the actual football are wondering who the fuck these people are and why they think they're any good at football when they don't play the game at all.

    It's like that silly machine that some British economists built to show the Keynesian model of hydraulics, and it leaked like hell. I mentioned Adam Curtis's "Pandora's Box" a long time back, and here's the leaky hydraulic economics machine in action.

    When you understand that all of their models leak like hell, what that plastic fun toy for Quants did wasn't really all that surprising.

    But maybe it's about the banks not trusting any of the models that are coming out of the CDC and so forth?

    I can't blame these banks for that for that -- I wouldn't trust Faux Fauci to do anything but attempt to line his pockets like he's been trying to do with his failed treatment drug, the 2020's version of laetrile.

    But I'm not waiting for Revenge of the Quants to go on sale. :-)

  2. "But maybe it's about the banks not trusting any of the models that are coming out of the CDC and so forth?"

    FFS what is up with the CDC? I know it's a new virus and they are still figuring it out, but it's making everyone paranoid in irrational ways.

    Ya know - I don't give a fuck who gets rich from a treatment drug. I don't give a fuck who gets rich on anything. Incentive matters. Sometimes that's getting rich. What a crazy world when we care about who gets rich more than the cure. People would literally rather no treatment exist at all than someone getting rich off it.

    I don't understand at all why anyone is in hysterics about any of these treatments at all. If it was you or your family member you would stick a hot poker up your ass if you thought it would help. Anyone would! I don't know how these are stories at all. It is complete insanity. But it does say a lot about how petty we are as a society.

  3. There is a zombie apocalypse series, written by a prolific scifi/fantasy author, that uses the premise that the big banks HAVE to track this sort of thing (bringing in outside professionals as needed) in order to ensure the security of their profits. I have absolutely no idea how true that is, don't care enough, I figure there's at least an element of truth to it, as it would make sense on some level. But your post reminded me of it.

  4. Interesting comment. I'm sure they do. But I generally don't even have a problem with banks making money if they aren't screwing over their customers and should be penalized heavily if they do.

    I want people to be rich. Life is pretty boring if people are poor. The only real problem I have with people getting rich is them kicking the ladder out for others as they go.

  5. "I don't give a fuck who gets rich from a treatment drug. I don't give a fuck who gets rich on anything."

    *cough* BULLSHIT *cough*

    You beat on Elon Musk so much that he may wonder whether you're available for sessions. :-)

    But I don't care about who profits from a successful treatment, and remdesivir is not a successful treatment.

    "If it was you or your family member you would stick a hot poker up your ass if you thought it would help."

    There's a reason why off-label prescribing is such a big problem.

    There's a reason why doctors try to cover up off-label prescribing by "diagnosing" patients with potential health conditions that aren't.

    It's all very, very profitable, and most people don't have the sense to ask whether the hot poker is any real help at all.

    Statins are like this, they're sold as if they're going to prevent strokes and heart attacks because of high cholesterol, when in fact the opposite is more likely.

    And so I'll continue to make fun of Faux Fauci the Faux Drug Pimp because the evidence is not on his side.

  6. "You beat on Elon Musk so much that he may wonder whether you're available for sessions. :-)"

    LOL. It's a fair comment. I had to do a little reflection to see what my problem was. Because I don't care he is getting rich. I guess I only care because he really makes more money off of carbon credits(vaporware) than actually producing anything. If he were making money off of cars, then more power to him. If people MAKE items and sell them - they should get rich. People really underestimate how hard that is.

    At this point I think most people like myself are just fascinated with his game. He has to keep on that constant treadmill of announcing new stuff so he keeps the magic alive. I don't know when it will blow up. Maybe never with all of this free helicopter money.

    I'm not invested in the drug debate at all. I don't care what people take. I think people should be able to take experimental drugs if they want to. What drugs people take is not affecting me in any way. So I don't care.
