Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Everyone woke now?

It's weird because three months ago - no one was talking about bank failures. "Now everyone knew what they were doing was risky." Said in the most sarcastic way. And I know this because if anyone would have said these bonds were going to collapse the banks, I would have said - wait what?

I was watching this whole thing and even I didn't realize it was going to collapse the banks. I was only looking at it from the real estate sector because I own a house. I don't own a bank.

I also find it weird that no one wants to blame the FED for hiking rates at the fastest pace in history. 0.25 to 4.65% in one year. The final pin was probably when the FED said they were going to hike faster. The banks probably had to pull the pin.

At least there is no more talk about this stupid soft landing no landing. I think we've landed.


  1. Capital of Texas RefugeeTuesday, March 21, 2023 11:50:00 PM

    Zürich, le 22 mars. Publicité télévisée mettant en vedette le président de la société Debit Suisse.

    «Chez Débit Suisse, nous savons que vous travaillez dur ou que vous travaillez à peine pour vos revenus, et nous faisons de même. C'est pourquoi nous prenons ce que vous nous donnez et gagnons encore moins avec.»

    «Avec des succursales à travers le monde, Débit Suisse peut vous aider à perdre de l'argent là où que vous en ayez le plus besoin.»

    «Débit Suisse. Parce qu'être fauché et malheureux fait maintenant partie du caractère national.»

  2. (smile) You always make me work for it in some way. Which I love. But Oh noes! I'm sad for you. And not in that shitty way because are glad at other people pain. I know banking was a national pride. Life gives the hot poker in the ass to everyone eventually. And it just sucks,.
