Monday, March 13, 2023

Everyone is an expert in hindsight.

Sept 23 2021 interest rates are at 2.88. We've just gone through one of the most significant disruptions in history. 

Why would any bank think interest rates would double in one year? And why does everyone think it's "just that one bank"? I mean, Europe was buying bonds at negative interest rates!

Just on Saturday all my twitter finance guys were saying they didn't think it was going to spread to ANY other bank. Which made me rethink how much I trust them. Maybe they are lying, or just lying to themselves. It a popular thing the past few years.

Just just wanted to post this because people seem to think that bank was corrupt. Even I thought about stashing money there many times. And I suffered through the housing crisis. That was an extremely SAFE bank.

I think America is going to be on this downward track until people stop rooting for the demise of literally everything. Oddly, they seem to think they won't get splash back.

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