Thursday, May 26, 2022

Stories from Mr S.

Earlier today Mr S. sends me a text saying one the of the guys in his office has come down with the COVID. I basically text him back with LOL. (People have to learn the hard way.)

When I got back to the house however he exitedly wants to tell me the story. I smile and say okay.

Him - The guy in my office was over in the UK and got COVID. And they wouldn't let him go. Well, the US wouldn't let him back in. They must still test. So it sounds like somehow he flew to Canada, and then got back into the US. He continues... he still has COVID!

And this my Friends is why the lockdowns would have never worked. People evade them. Every lockdown they did, they gave you advanced notice and people basically fled on the wind like dandelions. I have receipts early days saying this. But if you had any modicum of caution the narrative crammed on you was that you were a pussy who has been locked inside their house the whole time. Yeah.. I'm mad. I don't care what you do.. that is up to you and your GOD. But people have blown up all the easy off ramps, and now only super effed up ones remain.

We should not be letting this virus mutate. Period. Every time it hits a human it has a chance to get stronger. Our incompetent government already can't keep up with it. I just don't understand when people are going to grow tired of an endless cycle of infection. It's insanity.

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