Friday, October 12, 2018

It really is an incredible time to be alive.


  1. Capital of Texas RefugeeSunday, October 14, 2018 11:43:00 PM

    Four things came to mind almost instantly:

    1. Oh, look, a sideways TIE Fighter with a pilot as a hostage!

    2. I wonder how well this thing will crash when a Drone Area Denial System hits it with everything it's got ...

    3. Can I buy an upgraded AT4 like the one I saw being tested in Sweden, the water-ballasted kind that can be fired near a building without liquifying the operator's insides? Because if one of these "civilian models" gets fitted with guns, I'm going to need that for "home defense", cost be damned ...

    4. "Kennedy Steve" is really going to hate this thing messing up typically ideal conditions.

    Show me one of these things that isn't a flying target with a hostage, that isn't an annoying piloted drone that through guided ignorance flies right into Restricted Airspace, that doesn't have easily exploited gun mount surfaces, that won't crash easily because it auto-rotates or glides to the ground ... then I might be impressed.

    Until then, I'll be waiting for the leaked video that shows some country's military putting a cheap shoulder-launched missile through one of these ...

    I guess it's a good thing it's called BlackFly because I'm waiting for the BlackFlySwatter videos now. :-)

  2. Awe... come on! Not everything has to be perfect to be joyful. It's less of a stupid idea than jetpacks which you as a dude I'm sure thought was a great idea. I give them credit for coming up with a new idea. Not like those stupid car planes.

    There is nothing you can say to make me think this isn't cool. I don't care if you can shoot it down with a water gun.

  3. Still better than jetpacks. Total run time of ten minutes then YOU are dead. I at least give it a 10% chance of survival in that thing.

  4. Nah, I pretty much thought jet packs were a stupid idea ...

    Take-offs are easy, landings are hard.

    And a very hard landing without the benefit of even as much as a protective frame?

    My back's starting to hurt just thinking about that.

    I'm not looking for perfect, I'm looking for survivable when everything not perfect screws up ... because eventually it will.
