Saturday, March 14, 2015

My car sugar was low.

Mr S. and I were out at the Club Auto Sport get together today. Nothing was really thrilling me with the cars. All pretty standard stuff you can see driving around The Valley honestly. I was trying to scour ever corner. Mr S. and I split up to look at different things.  Mr S. walks back up to me in a hushed tone and said - Rob Enderle just passed you.

In my head I was like - that's impossible. But, as I turned around I saw it sure as hell was Rob Enderle. He's one of the biggest tech analysts around The Valley. From the Enderle Group. So, then I had to stalk him to try and get a shot without being too obvious. I'm guessing there are only a few places in this world that he doesn't get recognised.

It turns out I've seen his car there a couple of times, and I didn't know it was his. It's been on this blog, but I'm not going to report it for privacy reasons. I got Rob Enderle in the wild!

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