Sunday, February 02, 2014

You've never seen people so happy for rain in your life.

I didn't think the storm was going to hit us. It was just suppose to hug the coast. But when I woke up it was pretty grey and the first thing I did was look out to the mountains. I can see Mt Hamilton from my deck. I was shocked to see a little dusting of snow. Right then we planned to drive up. It might be the last time this year to see snow! But by the time we'd had coffee and got my crap together and was about to motivate out the door - I saw that it had mostly melted.

Then we planned to get some noon breakfast and come back and till the garden. Which really sort of sucks when there has been no rain. We have a clay base and it becomes hard as a rock and a dust bowl. The rain looked to be ending at that point. Yesterday I started banking water. All day Mr S. and I were trying to come up with ways to steal water when the summer comes. You can see how brown the mountains are. You might as well get used to this view because when the fires come - I see them from here.

By the time we got out of stopping at the store - the rain really picked up and tilling was out. While I was waiting at the door for Mr S. to come out of the store - every single person who walked out had an immediate smile and was super excited about the rain. Child like excited. It was really fun to watch.

You think I was kidding about stealing water? I'm gonna be a water robber Baron. I was looking at these things yesterday. Mr. S wanted to set up a grey water trading exchange. It's that serious in California. They cut water deliveries to 0.0.

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