Saturday, June 20, 2009

Some of the things I found interesting and or weird today.

Pirates! Arrrrrh. Obviously interesting. And, if you don't think so - I'll have to wonder about our relationship. Yeah... I said it.

People are pretty serious about dressing up as stuff. Especially pirates.

Inflation. Holy shit. Do you see the prices? I mean, fair food is ridiculous - but, when you start charging 5 bucks for peanut butter and jelly I know the world has gone crazy. Although, PBandJ did sound really good compared to some of the other stuff, and if it hadn't cost 5 bucks I might have had one.

Apparently we've become a civilized country. Today was the first time I'd seen hand washing stations with the Porto potties. Of course I'd rather die with some sort of septic bladder infection than use one. I immediately scout out the landscape to see how soon we'd have to leave just in case they don't have real restrooms. Yet, I found it really interesting. They even had hand sanitation thingies. I call them thingies because I didn't get close enough, and I felt a little awkward taking pictures of this area.

Um. This chick was wearing a bustier that obviously was meant for a girl with much larger boobs. What is up with that?

This girl? Well, she is carrying a cat around. Which would usually only be minimally amusing. Until you look at the cats feet!

Now, that is interesting.

I don't know what kind of pirate this is.

Looks like a drink umbrella.

Child molester van with tiny wheels.

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