Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Why is the media trying to get people to stop viewing graphic videos?

It's the weirdest thing to see so many reporters urge people not to watch current news events. Every time I see when of these articles where reporters (of all people) urge people not to watch - all I can think is, how would we have known the horrors of the holocaust if we didn't view the images?

Looking at a single screen shot in your twitter feed, in no way the same as watching how long it takes a man to die while he is on fire. Which is actually a considerable amount longer than you would expect, honestly. Knowing that it happened, is not the same as knowing how long he suffered while he burned. It is a completely different impact.

These reporters deny the victims the reality of what has happened to them. Their weakness oozes from their ridiculous excuses.

“Truly shocking images are like many kinds of traumatic events,” Art Markman, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Texas, tells Yahoo Health. “They create a tear in the fabric of the viewer’s life similar to what happens when that person is the victim of a crime or experiences a death in the family.” Read ISIS Beheadings, Plane Crashes: Why We Should Avoid Images That Can't Be 'Unseen'

While these images likely will affect you for the rest of your as they should. It is in no way similar to what happens when you experience a death in the family. This is just psychobabble. And it's effing irritating. How you can compare watching someone die on the internet to watching a family member die in real life is truly maddening. While a very sad and uncomfortable experience, you don't care about that person in the same way you care about a family member. There is NO comparison.The first time I saw someone die was at age seven. At the dinner table. I have seen a million horrible things on the internet. While I have been deeply effected - it isn't the same as seeing someone you love drop dead in front of you. Not even by a long shot.

"Those who live through these kinds of unimaginable traumas are denied this privilege. So perhaps the best way to honor the wholly unique pain of someone’s suffering is to not attempt to approximate his or her own first-hand experience. To not go out of our way to consume images of their traumas."

This is some of the stupidest rational I've ever witnessed. It's her get out of reporting free card. Should you even be in the news business if you can't stomach news?

I have a completely different view because I have lived through a few pretty traumatic experiences like seeing your family member be brought out in a body bag on the news from a house fire. It is a shock almost deeper than the actual event. Having said that - as time goes by your mind tries to convince you that those things didn't happen to you. Sometimes those images on TV or in print are the only thing that makes it truly real. They are the record of your history. Your mind always wants to find ways to convince you that that didn't really happen. You want it not to be real. It's the human experience.

Those images of the holocaust are the only things we have that that say - yes... this is still as real today as it was in the 1930's. And I don't think the survivors appreciate you "honoring" them by trying to get people to not see what really happened to them. Even if we had live video like we do today.

Frankly, I don't think we would be in this place right now if more people actually watched the indescribable depravity in the videos of what is going on right now. Or for the past three years. Whatev's.

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