Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is.


  1. My, you have a lot of decorations in your yard. ;~)

  2. Is that someone's house?!?!
    I was wondering when the "Christmas threw up" picture was going to show up.

  3. Hahahah. I barely got my lights up this year.

    Yeah. It's a huge spectacle. People lined up half way down the block. This year I noticed they hired security. And, this guy has his house plastered with closed circuit cameras. So I imagine it pisses someone off.

    Personally I won't be happy until they make it so the international space station can see it.

    I did find out they turn it off pretty early though. I figured I'd try a late night shoot because there are so many people driving by and light poluting the lights.

    Yeah. Not so much.
