Thursday, May 21, 2009

I seriously have issues.

In an effort to take advantage of one of the last great legal tax loopholes - Mr S. went and had laser surgery done on his eyes today. You know, before the administration found out, and started trying to run health care.

I love those pesky accounts you stick money into to pay for medical procedures for the year. Of course, you put money into them before the government it's its grubby hands on it. I don't even want to call it by it's name. That is how much I covet them.

I totally wish I had something funny to tell you about the surgery. But, I don't.

If you can even call it that. I barely had the laptop out and onto a network, before he was done. Seriously. It must have been 10 minutes. On one hand I think - hey, if you just marketed this stuff so people knew it only takes freakin 10 minutes - you'd get more people in. On the other hand, your brain says "a couple grand for 10 minutes. Really?

What the hell! I can see."

So, why am I giving you a picture of this freaky bird? Well, this morning it seemed funny. He's been hanging out at my house lately. I don't know what it is about this place that screws up eyes. You may not remember two of my bunnies have had eye issues since I've lived in this house. Now this freaky bird. The other reason is - a few of my readers of odd fascinations with birds.

This is probably the asshole that gouged out his eye.

You may continue with your lives now. That is all.

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